
There are two ways to contribute to spyndex:

  1. Contribute with a new Spectral Index to the Awesome Spectral Indices GitHub repository.

  2. Contribute with new methods or improvements to spyndex!

If you choose to contribute directly to spyndex, check the following guide!


Contributions to spyndex are welcome! Here you will find how to do it:

  • Bugs: If you find a bug, please report it by opening an issue. if possible, please attach the error, code, version, and other details.

  • Fixing Issues: If you want to contributte by fixing an issue, please check the spyndex issues: contributions are welcome for open issues with labels bug and help wanted.

  • Enhancement: New features and modules are welcome! You can check the spyndex issues: contributions are welcome for open issues with labels enhancement and help wanted.

  • Documentation: You can add examples, notes and references to the spyndex documentation by using the NumPy Docstrings of the spyndex documentation, or by creating blogs, tutorials or papers.


First, fork the spyndex repository and clone it to your local machine. Then, create a development branch:

git checkout -b name-of-dev-branch

Create a new method, or fix a bug:

def my_new_method(x,other):
     '''Returns the addition of and image and a float.

     x : float
         Float to add.
     other : float
         Float to add.

         Addition of two floats.

     >>> import spyndex
     >>> spyndex.my_new_method(0.5,0.5)
     return x + other

Remember to use Black and isort!

In order to test additions, you can use pytest over the tests folder:

pytest tests

If you have added a new feature, please include it in the tests.

To test across different Python versions, please use tox.

Now it’s time to commit your changes and push your development branch:

git add .
git commit -m "Description of your work"
git push origin name-of-dev-branch

And finally, submit a pull request.