Contributing ============ There are two ways to contribute to spyndex: 1. Contribute with a new Spectral Index to the `Awesome Spectral Indices `_ GitHub repository. 2. Contribute with new methods or improvements to spyndex! If you choose to contribute directly to spyndex, check the following guide! Guide ----- Contributions to spyndex are welcome! Here you will find how to do it: - **Bugs:** If you find a bug, please report it by opening an issue. if possible, please attach the error, code, version, and other details. - **Fixing Issues:** If you want to contributte by fixing an issue, please check the spyndex issues: contributions are welcome for open issues with labels :code:`bug` and :code:`help wanted`. - **Enhancement:** New features and modules are welcome! You can check the spyndex issues: contributions are welcome for open issues with labels :code:`enhancement` and :code:`help wanted`. - **Documentation:** You can add examples, notes and references to the spyndex documentation by using the NumPy Docstrings of the spyndex documentation, or by creating blogs, tutorials or papers. Steps ~~~~~ First, fork the `spyndex `_ repository and clone it to your local machine. Then, create a development branch:: git checkout -b name-of-dev-branch Create a new method, or fix a bug: .. code-block:: python def my_new_method(x,other): '''Returns the addition of and image and a float. Parameters ---------- x : float Float to add. other : float Float to add. Returns ------- float Addition of two floats. Examples -------- >>> import spyndex >>> spyndex.my_new_method(0.5,0.5) 1.0 ''' return x + other Remember to use `Black `_ and `isort `_! In order to test additions, you can use :code:`pytest` over the :code:`tests` folder:: pytest tests If you have added a new feature, please include it in the tests. To test across different Python versions, please use :code:`tox`. Now it's time to commit your changes and push your development branch:: git add . git commit -m "Description of your work" git push origin name-of-dev-branch And finally, submit a pull request.